
16 nov 2012

i'm roughly 21 items away from completing the list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. it's much harder to put together this time than the last one i did several years ago. i'm more aware of the amount of money and time it will take to complete some of the tasks. i want to choose things that i'm interested in and able to do. i also want to avoid the appearance of a giant "to do" list; these are things that i want to accomplish in my life for the sake of improving the quality of life. so, bunion surgery? that went bye-bye. speaking of which...

anyone out there have something to say about this? i could google my heart out, but i'm scheduled to have the surgery in less than two weeks now and am having second thoughts. my primary concern as of today is the fear that i won't be able to be as active as i'd like because this surgery will become a detriment to my body, limiting flexibility of the big toe and putting added pressure on the knee of the opposite leg. while i appreciate the idea of being well-informed and well-researched in something as potentially major as this, i do know how impacted i am by my fear and don't want that to drive my decision. 

so, thoughts/experiences about bunion surgery? podiatrists: real or not real?* recovery time? impact on normal activity post-surgery, 3-6 months later? impact on the kind of shoes you wear compared to pre-surgery? i am looking to where shoes without pain and even walk barefoot without pain, which i experience in both feet. it is probably more regular than i care to admit: i've been living with it for a long time. i'm not dying to get in a pair of fancy heels, but i would like my shoe choice to be a little more flexible--sometimes even flats drive me crazy.

i thank you in advance for your frank discussion.

*it was brought to my attention that podiatrists do not go to medical school. however, i've gone to chiropractors in my lifetime--that may or may not be a mark against them.


04 nov 2012

pointing out the devastation from hurricane sandy, i was recently asked if i still wanted to move to new york city.

"absolutely," i said.

i'm no new yorker. born and raised on the west coast in sunny southern california, i'm the furthest thing from it. but i fell in love with the city on my first trip roughly a decade ago and my affection has grown with each subsequent trip. there's something about being there that runs deeper than the words i have at my grasp.

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